Some of you may have noticed the auction signs on the side of the shop over the past couple of months. Although I have not heard any myself I am sure there are plenty of rumors going around that the shop is for sale.
This is not true. My previous landlord was forced to sell the property for reasons I am not at liberty to divulge. The property has now been sold and my new landlord is keeping me on as a tenant.
There are going to be changes in the shop however.

Over the past few years the trends in bicycle sales have forced me to assess my position in the market place. As a small independent retailer I am unable to compete with the larger online retailers of bicycles. In the past two years I have struggled to break even on bicycle sales.
This has led me to the decision to stop selling “Out of the Box” bikes. That is bicycles such as Giant, Marin or Dawes. Instead I hope to be able to offer more exclusive, boutique brands such as Yeti, Turner, Ritte and potentially other brands.
As I am able to confirm what brands I will be offering I will post news on them.
Another change that is coming is the expansion of the workshop. I hope to be able to offer a faster turnaround on bicycle repairs. One thing that has always been a problem for the shop is storage space for customer repairs. I am going to be increasing the available space by 30% which will allow me to take in and complete more repairs each day.
Also I hope to increase the number of “While you Wait” repairs by offering free Coffee or Tea and Free Wifi with every Tune up and Annual Service. If you really want to hang out in the shop all day I can even extend this offer to the Premier service.